The United States Geological society wishes to be the new Center of Disease Control pushes fear among residents of California and Ned Madrid

  Patrick Jennings

    The United States Geological Society is the latest government agency to spread fear ad wishing for profit through fear mongering the goals of the USGS is basically the same as the CDC. The USGL is pushing quake fear and scare mongering of " The Big One" and the news recently of the organization working with other emergency agencies apparently to promote more money and recognition that potentially a killer earthquake can come for these two regions any day.

The top elite members of this science want to be respected and as rewarded as the science of the CDC and the members within int and the fear mongering scare tactic reminding people really big Earthquake hot the Southern Illinois and Missouri region back int he day of 1812 and could repeat itself any day and be even more disastrous and dangerous as ahhh there are alot more people around now and upwards of fifty million people can be affected in Tennessee, Illinois Missouri and Kentucky, and Arkansas.

Robbie Myers of the United States Geological society is telling people to trust the science and wear their masks and prepare for the big one as he is leading a region organizational team to deal when the New Madrid Earthquake is set off and they are warning people now with placards and door to door asking for donations and massive uptick ion government spending. Robbie Myers is also predicting a civil war and says the big earthquake can trigger it and a simultaneous earthquakes can hit this region and California every day and people need to live in fear and preparedness. Myers is hoping to be the geological science "expert" and be as famous and big as Anthony Fauci and this bald geek already has a jump and he is calling all the stations and warning of the possible Earthquake in New Madrid that he says will swallow farms, bring down bridges over  the Mississippi, destroy Interstate 55 and kill

truckers. and brig about the demise and fall of the St Louis Arc. This guy and other geologists will show all of these seismic charts with lines looking like lie detector tests and he will basiclaly say it means something and people in both California and the New Madrid area need to be concerned about it pronto. The amount of misinformation, lies, and fear mongering now even the geologists are attempting to spread is disgusting and appalling. Mr Myers is angered more money from government has not flowed

into his direction and the direction of geologists and this man seeks to cash in and get a jackpot by his demands to trust the "experts' and he and others day the United States will be earthquake center and he and other emergency response teams need to be funded by states and prepared for the big one. Robie Myers came to the annual summit of the Missouri earthquake summit and deplored the hillbillies in the city and region for not dong enough to counter potential earthquake hazards and reminded the Earthquakes are not just a California problem and they need to get their head out of their ass and ojt of the trailer parks and get ready for it. 

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