JP Sears roasts the lame ass of Illinois senator Dick Durbin and hsi role in supreme court hearing

   Oscar Orton

     Illinois rigged election long time career criminal politician Dick Durbin has been in office so long the fucker often is the chairman of committee and hearings exposing the country to the old faces that run this country. This horrible career politician is a snake in the grass anti-American and has been allowed and fund a way to remain in power in a position of power mainly through the internationalists and this mans is hated by true knowledge patriots of this state realizing this idiot savant sucks ass and the forces  that install such a fool install a senator puppet that this son of a bitch has long been in th eland of Lincoln. JP Sears noticed this ineffective uninteresting troll on these hearings and wondered how the hell the people of Illinis elect such a fool and why is Dick Durbin allowed with any long last political career and position of

power when he has the personality of a burrito. JP Sears on YouTube and  his webzine bashed the fuck out of the face of Dick Durbin who really needs to go and I reckon the reason that the internationalist keep this dickless wonder as US senior citizen senior senator from Illinois is because he is in charge as judiciary chairman and he has some valuable powerful stings for them to control.

I'm sick of Dick Durbin s swollen face as he looks old and his eyes are swollen and his face is swollen and the man has been in  power too long serving  global masters more than the people of Illinis. JP Sears may not know it but the fact is Dick Durbin is more concerned and interested in his judicial committee leadership position that a lifetime of outsourced money can get and keep a political seat for some three decades and he cares very little in the happenings and improving life for is

constituents in Illinois.  Dickhead Durbin does little at these hearings aside form keeping time of the political speakers and tasting his ear wax the man is  sick and a pathetic representative and many h people in Illinois cannot comprehend aside form obvious political corruption how this silly jackass Dick Durbin remains in visible power and positions in Washington and the man is a complete  moron eats his own ear juice off his glasses. Durbin's actions at the Kenitija Jackson Brown hearing often interrupting Republican senators asking questions and attempted to cover for this stupid Pedo-file advocate activist judge that has the admiration,respect, and support of the criminal class in America. 

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