Ted Nugent blasts the ass out of Howard Stern and calls him the jackass that he is

    Trevor Travis

     Responding to Howard Scumbag Stern recent conversations on the high number of old time rockers dropping dead through this Coivd health fascism and said how he wish Ted Nugent would be next the Detroit Rooster rocker came out and eviscerated the jack and the ass in Howard Stern, The aging ric star is a rick star and nit a bull shit artist that Howard stern is and that XM Siruius overpays thinking it will over-value their pathetic pre-installed automobile application and system and that few people ever use in their brand new car.  Ted Nugent called out fellow rocker Neil Young in addition to fuck face

Howard Stern for their Covid fascism and support of censorship and fascism through this fake diseases  that Anthony Fauci and Anthony Blinken worked up with Chinese lab rats to empower the political class and elites for more easy socials control and domination, Ted came on his podcast celled the Nuge Out and lambasted this jackass Howard Stern as Nugent says he has known Howard for decades and seen him age like shit Wal-Mart wine as he has no respect for others opinions anymore and that he once seemed like a practical guy willing to learn and take both sides into accounts in a important topic.

Howard Stern bates those like Nugent who actually had musical talent and earned their stripes and rights to be in entertainment where ass Howard Stern us this sour soulless sourpuss  human being somebody scooped off the street and pushed to be some nightmare on middle normal, American with his form of disc jockey work and in reality a Howard Sternberg is a nobody only financially rewarded because of his extreme liberal positions and ethnicity. Stern should not have a salary 5% of the obnoxious  and toxic world of media and entertainment rewarding their empty skulls with bogus one XM Sirius found a way to use Stern to move dirty laundered money about. Ted Nugent plays a mean mean guitaer whik Howard Stern is a perverted fuck plays with is little mean two inch dick and he is not a fourth.. a fortieth the man Nugent is 

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