Alex Jones files for chapter 10 bankruptcy for Infowars and sees national syndicated radio and streaming offers

 Andy Cruz

      Infowars founder and right-wing internet host is now receiving offers for radio programs and the hugely popular internet radio show has decided to close and shut down his long owned conspiracy program whose many conspiracies have often proven  to be true and whether the left and liberals want to accept this it us up to them. Alex Jones was being railroaded with these massive speech suppression  lawsuits initiated by globalists on behalf of the families of the Sandy Hook victims who deemed some unnecessary lawsuit blaming Mr Jones for the shootings or deciding they were deserving of monetary rewards for the deaths of their children because they were triggered by possible suggestions motives of Alex Jones. Mr Jones has shit down his InfoWars restructuring it t deny these maggots form getting any form of his

wealth and what he has built u through the years. Alex Jones is closing shop and will move somewhere else and the rumor has it he will be exclusively available and sign with a large network much like Joe Rogan signed with Spotify. Alex Jones has millions of dollars he has built as his program usually consists of 55% of commercials and the ability of Alex Jones to get advertising for beeswax and ear plugs cannot be denied and Mr Jones will arise either with a new internet brand called  Info Stack  or he will have a dramatic deal done with a radio network or a streaming service much to the dismay of the political left and the New World Order. Alex Jones and his crew gives Alex like 1200 papers per episode and he

researches and stacks information upon information and his desk is quite literally covered with all of this information and printing papers. Alex Jones loves stacks and he goes through stacks and stacks of news and with our without Infowars he will continue to tlak and inform people of important info of the globalists and how they seek to spread brutal Chinese style authoritarianism that they so admire. No matter how much they try to silence Mr Jones and the Democrats attempt to smear him Mr Jones will keep talking and selling t shirts and Chinese dick powder and other supplements and so forth to help improve ones lungs to breath more adequately.  Alex Jones is having blow out sale and he is selling clothes, hats, viagra type pills and so forth and without a doubt there is a huge market for venom juice and snake oil and Mr Alex will continue to sell this shit regardless of lawsuits and complaining by the parents who put their kids in a dangerous public school with psychotic teachers and staff who raised and had psychotic kids seeking revenge for their bad parenting. 

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