Crazed pretend Indian Elizabeth Warren demands tax payers prop and up and pay the bills of gender studies and other college students and their debts and considers running for president

 Rusty Stone

\     Elizabeth warren will make another presidential run and her campaign i focused on winning votes by erasing all student debt and having tax payers pay the money owned by this snowflake fake generation that is obsessed with Marvel comics,scooters, and nit paying back their debt and politicians like Elizabeth warren placate to this ignorance and refusal of todays students to pay back their college loans. Most people prior who went to college didn't have this debt erased and should be given back each and every cent they paid back through the years and the adversarial actions against the middle class seems more of the objective of the crazed senator from Massachusetts who is a dishonest socialist and a committed Marxist and seeks to aid the dissension  of the youth students of today who saw their gender studies

degrees amount  to nada.  Failed presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren seeks to monetize the lazies who prefer easy college lifestyles than a forty hour work week one and this subsidy for elites who can't find jobs because they are type F personalities is utterly repulsive and something one would expect a stupid libtard like Elizabeth Warner and her Massachusetts style kooky politics and this woman should be charged as a economic terrorist and corrupt politician and charged with treason to this country with the insanity she spews form her filthy mouth. Elizabeth Warren came on Face The Nation and pushed forward a liberal student debt erasure demand to president Biden and a policy from hell as this maniac

wants the rest of the population to be on the hook for the failed college students who smoked vape juice more than studied and then flopped out of college and now seek to have their lifestyle subsidized and supplied trough the years from those who worked and saved and now must be forced to support these mopes. The lying craze fake Indian came on Face The Nation and made up excuses whether it was having a sick parent or a pregnancy to why these student failed and flopped out of college and now she is demanding that we pay their shit and this rotten horrible senator needs to be called out and confronted for the horseshit who brought forth that only are obvious lies and more examples to discredit this monster senator 

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