Insane Indianapolis and mayor Joe Hogsett supports foam business and to teach kids nerf shooting training them to be mass shooters.

 Casey Kelso

    The i sane business leaders and other corrupt village leaders and mayor s all of the country are supporting and promoting nerf wars and new business where kids can gather and get naked and shoot nerf guns and plastic projectiles at one another. How and why would these guns be allowed to market and marketed to these kids across America as they are prime age to move on up to the next level and quite literally mayor Hogsett of Indianapolis and other business leaders allowing nerf gun arenas to be opened are training potential future mass shooters. If violent shooting video games was bad enough allowing

gun culture' to be directed towards kids and train them how to use a nerf gun and point a gun at the direction of friends and classmates given these times of a more violent culture and more chaos mass shooting today is utterly incomprehensible. Mayor McCheese Hogsett has funded dozens and dozens of Nerf arenas where young males primarily are allowed to roam and create teams and leagues to basiclaly learn the art of mass shooting and why this is being allowed and often encouraged by parents is  questioned  by a few and should be questioned by everyone. 
 The insanity of nerk games and the push for this is lead by psychopathic leaders which include many as once again the bad mayor if Indianapolis Joe Hogsett has allowed huge nerf arenas to be built desoite the high tide of gun violence that plagues his city.

 Mayor Hogsett has no problem  given this era of mass shooting by young kids and teenagers more places to practice their war and be expertise at shooting when they make the move to a full fledged semi automatic pistol. The lunacy  concept that encouraging nerf play and gun dazzle is somehow harmless and not a cause and affect and for the liberal left more mass shooting is good they desire it to get more of a following and chance to upend the 2nd amendment. 
 There are stories all across the country of these nerfkies going around shooting onto all hours of the night often with rigged nerf guns that sound real and with shooters  being in their birthday suits as they do it and causing panic and fear from the population seems to be the goal of these adolescent nerf shooters. Mayor Mccheese out of Indianapolis and the lax attitude of our government official into thinking that nerf arenas and having kids play nerd or paintball somehow is admirable and should be tolerated in society and if many people had their way toy guns of all sports would be banned as often people use them in crimes and other acts of intimidation.

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