JR Jackson destroys the NFL owners for not signing Colin Kapernik as news that Kap is signing with Irish hurling

    Dave Berkson

     The obscure Irish sport of hurling which looks like a male version of field  hockey is sporting tradition going back to the days of the Celts 200 years ago  and they are proud to announce that Colin Kapernik has been hired by the league to not only play but be vice president of player operations and shoe sales. Colin Kapernik is being rewarded by the globalists in Ireland wishing to have hi play the hard ball lacrosse looking thing that the Irish have been well known, Jr Sports Reid blasted Roger Goodell and the NFL owners for not singing this talented activist and articulate bastard in Colin Kapernik and JR Jackson is this CBS sports geek from hell . JR Jackson is like the next Stephan A Smith and his star power a d sports

tlak radio dialogue is the most incredible thing and the number of scoops this clown brings about is deserving of part ownership and millions in stock bombardment rewarding  from Baskin Robbins Incorporated  and Oberweis ice cream. Jr Reid brought put the news that Colin Kapernik is signing with Limrick of the Irish Hurling league which I would be  willing to bet 95% of the most devoted sports fans in America have never heard. Colin Kapernik will help Limrick go and win the coveted Herman J Munster cup which is the biggest prize in Irish hurling tournament. 
 Colin Kapernik will fit right in with this sport and he will also be named vice president of team equipment jackstraps collection etc etc paying him 3.5 million dollars and what exactly is disturbing and angering the likes of this JR Jackson his globalist CBS propaganda sorts network show and the egregious outrage against Kapernik is not known. Colin Kaperkin has been supplied with massive monetary reward wealth for essentially doing very little since taking the knee. This is not enough though for this far left extreme sports talk host.
Jr Jackson believes Colin Kapernik would be a great fit for the Seattle Supersonic and that coach Carroll already should of made the call and JR said you can't tell him that Colink Kapernik is much better than all 32 third string quarterbacks in the league and JR Jackassson would also be willing to say Kapernik is better than the vast majority of the back ups. Six years is enough punishment and  this eunuch JR Jackson says this upcoming season he wants to see Mr Kapernik once again playing on Sundays and taking a knee weekly just to piss off right-wing conservatives and he believes that Kapernik has ten or more years of strong National Football league action left in him.

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