Brandon Hinter
Kentija Brown Jackson was selected for the Supreme court and beholden the Democratic Party is to woke politics and this horrible pick couldn't not answer even if she did want to answer the definition of what a woman is when pressed by senator Marsha Blackburn. Kentija got burned as she was unable to answer basic simple question and the world got to see how impractical nominees are from the Democratic party who are picked not on their merit for the law but their willingness to follow order and precedents set forth by by libturd Democrats intent on pushing the envelope for special
recognition and rights form men who disturbingly and mentally think they are women and not men. Kentija Brown Jackson performance and inability to answer this simple question was the highlight or low light of the three day hearing where this buffoon and clown token pick of Joe Biden embarrassed herself and totally showed how incompetent and unqualified she is to be on the supreme court and likely she was unqualified for all of the prior lower court nominees appointments that libtard politicians had recommended and developed for this woman because of her extreme radical beleifs.

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