Ralph Nader has editor Dana Thomas on to complain about the clothing obsession and environmental destruction of fast fashion

    Neil Knight

   women and their clothing obsession and over consumption needs to be reigned in and more and more people are finally tackling the problem of fast fashion and cheap clothing and the environmental abuse that comes with shipping so much clothes from slave wage industry overseas and Mr Nader told his guest that he doesn't understand the garbage produced and the garbage worn by women as this problem of over consumption and production of clothing is a female centric problem.

Most men do not purchase the amount of clothing that has become so cheap and readily available for women through modern day slavery as the garment industry is one of the most ruthless and nefarious as one can find in modern times. Most women wear a garment seven times before discarding and Mr Nader told the Vogue editor that he has nit spent more than a hundred dollars on clothing outside a few suits here and there a year on clothing and he doesn't understand why women purchase these stressed out jeans whom workers have to toil in order to make these garments look so used with holes and so forth and Ralph Nader is wondering who the hell actually purchases these items. 

Dana Thomas was on Ralph's program to promote her book "Fashionapolis" where she takes in the fast garment industry and this is highly recommended  reading about the problem of fast fashion. Most arrogant people in the Western nations could care less how the fast and easy clothing comes from other parts of the world and they just want to collect clothing and have it cheap so women can fill their closets with hundreds of outfits and two dozes pairs if shoes. Ralph Nader said back in his day baseball players wore these oversize pajama uniforms and that people did not own the amount of clothes that he says tops hundreds for the average person. The personal responsibility of people over  buying garments that enslave and rule over people in other lands at stans for pennies is lacking on the part of people in the West and is shameful. 

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