The floating space traveling metavision of my Brother Mark Zuckerberg and the future metaverse and of humanity

 Zachary Zuckerberg

 My brother  is slowly revealing more and more of his wish and desire for the future of humanity and his Metaverse. Things have been pretty quite for my brother Mark Zuckerberg after his big announcement declaring Facebook was rebranding to something called Meta and this is going to take some years for people to fully comprehend an d accept. my brother  Mark Zuckerberg envisions a future where man is floating and being radio controlled from planet to planet  or to asteroid  to asteroid in a big space suit that I guess would be equipped with a poop chute contraption of some type. Mark Zuckerberg is frustrate top management and other employees with his focus in Meta and his desire to get humanity into this

alternative universe and he likes a proposed idea by some devoted Meta that perhaps mankind floating in space can be attacked to a metaverse and not even realize they are space walkers. Mark Zuckerberg is working with NASA engineers to set about this possibility as people floating and wandering in space and living out in the stars is the ideal for many especially the climate fear folks. Some futurists like ahhhhh Ray Kurzweil sees a day where space is filled with these floating skeletons in space and they will be as numerous as  asteroids or whatever.  Some engineers and scientists say the best way to get humans as a

interplanetary species is to launch these metaverse connected astronauts and get these fucker sin space. many scientists on earth would love to get ride of as may people as we can and get them hurled out there like garbage and the possibility of people floating and living in a Metaverse would do much to solve the the population  problem on Earth. Of course getting food and water to these floating people and the problem this poses still needs to be worked out but for Mark

Zuckerberg this is a problem for other people. What Mark and His Meta company need to  do is what he did with Facebook and get as many people in short time on tis platform and Mark is tinking up ways how he can get mankind accepting to living in a Metaverse in order to achieve greater wealth and fame for he and his vision or company. The Metaverse is key to getting people off fucking earth and into this metaverse floating around like a butterfly and stinging  space like a bee. I say just release all future

Marvell and DC Comic movies into this space suit to get volunteer millennial and future generations to accept living in a space suit is preferable than living on earth and once only needs to hook up these suits with a media complex of superhero movies and Meta versing to get people to invest into this lifestyle and potential. Mark Zuckerberg is the key to getting this out and he needs to be working and is indeed working on attacking a Metaverse for future potential star men space travelers whose biggest fear living in space is the drudgery boring lifestyle. My bother Mark is a great visionary and humanitarian and ti no wonder he is worth as many dollars as there are stars in the universe.  

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