The great one Mark Levin slams the snake and skank black supremacist Sunny Hostin on the View

    Clark Kramer

   Mark Levin totally eviscerated the crew at the awful socialist propaganda a program on corporate ABC ( which owned Disney-- called the View which has awful hosts such as Joy Behar and Ann Navaro but this time Mark Levin went after a particular co-host. The Great one eviscerated Black Supremacist Sunny Hustin and her take on Ron De Santis and his battle against the pedophile promoting company called Disney. Sonny Hostin is a awful person and a supposed lawyer and she and the other hosts of this propaganda program of the View can't shut u and are triggered by potential

Republican presidential candidate Florida Governor Ron De Santis for standing with parents going after these gay teachers in pubic school desperate using their positions of authority in the classroom to brainwash acceptance (or demand it) of their perverse sick lifestyle in addition to attempt to recruit young children as this is something that gay s and lesbians have often used education in the past to push forward acceptance to a perverse lifestyle much of the country disagrees and doesnt want their kids growing up to be members. The De Santis campaign  against forced

homosexuality teaching and then going after a Disney after this rotten corporate  entity decided to stand with the homosexuals and attack American traditional conservative values by promoting wickedness and a perverse lifestyle which the homsex Communist serves to expand nationally and internationally. The depths these sick fucks using education will go in their depravity and enforced sexualizaiton thoughts of children that are not their own is evil and they will pay a heavy price one day for this sinister attempts to abuse their power to basically set up opportunities to brain wash kids minds and bodies.

  The lies of these lunatics like Black supremacist Sonny Hostin desire for gay teachers to predominate and teach their lies and lifestyle and Mark Levin called out this quack woman propagandist who has done nothing but lie on all sorts of cultural and societal issues through this deceiving program called the View. Sonny Hostin lies and attempts to smear Ron De Santis as she is saddened and angered by the power and ability of Mr De Santis to resit Disney and stick it to this company as leftist corporate evil entities like Disney have a gay agenda and have long been overtaken by radical rainbow homsexuals in a concentrated campaign by LGBTVQR activists through the years. The radicals  through bullying and harassment to take over this company slowly and use it in the cultural wars against conservatives in America and around the world. A political willing to stand up to the money and power of Disney and the NAZIs of today which the LGBTVIP community actually have become is something that this angry Black woman and radical on the views cannot handle and is so stressed out and is a nut as Mark Levin clearly pointed out. 

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