Woody Underwood
Milwaukee Charles Sykes is a repulsive media member a snake in the grass and a dick in the head Mr Sykes is neither a conservative or Christian and pretend to be one and his full support for government intrusion and mass forced mandate was perhaps the most shameful of his media career and is exactly why this man is no longer in any role in the media. Mr Sykes write once again in the Bulwark.com about the five or six anti-vaccine media members as such and who died last year through Covid as Mr Sykes put full blame on these mens deaths for the " mental disease' they held in not trusting
our untrustworthy health industrialists always looking for a bigger pie in the economy and to provide like-minded lib-thinking people with jobs, Charles Sykes continues to mock the legacy of a Caleb Wallace who was a strong advocate of anti-masks and because he died or was killed Mr Sykes believes
he and others got what they deserved for not following the science. Likewise the psychotic Mr Sykes also celebrated the death of talk show host Phil Valentine and spoke how he did a parody of a Beatles song
called "Vaxman" and Mr Sykes was angered by Mr Valentine's ' mockery of inoculations and Sykes says Mr Valentine reaped what he sowed with his death last year. Mr Sykes also mocked and had jubilation inn the death of little known aging radio host Dick Farrell and again all of the deaths likely would of occurred for these men regardless of Covid and these mens deaths are just reported as Covid as all we know by this ranting lunatic pro-Pharmaceutical drug enforcement industry that owns pieces of shit in the media

like A Charles Sykes. These drug pushers want to envision a culture of fear and any opposing Covid such as these men the left and hacks like Sykes celebrates and make much mention. The fact that Milwaukee Charles Sykes is still talking about these men and seems disappointed no new names of vaccine resisted were reported and made mockery in the past year. Charles Sykes blasted radio host Dick Ferrell because he pointed out correctly that CDC maniac and televangelist and career lying bureaucrat Anthony Fauci is a power hungry and trippen power freak.

Mr Sykes them wen tr after minister and religious radio host Jimmy De Young and says the man is in another place instead of preaching fake news to his flick and this idiot Chuckie Sykes mocked De Young's vocal criticism of the vaccines as a form of government control ...ahhh which incidentally is not untrue. Charles Sykes day is coming and we can only hope and we have paid for Letisha and Monique to do their twerk dearth dance for hell to help speed up the process of a death wish bed dance for Mr Charlie Sykes whose elation and propaganda about these mens deaths should pout Charlie Sykes onto the same path forward hopefully he dies covid or whatever this year we predict/hope.
Charles Sykes is insane in the membrane dancing on the graves of these men because he demand they think and agree with Lord Fauci and the wickedness of Charles Sykes is being called out today. The ranting lunatic Sykers then went after talk show host Mark Bernier who Charles is upset compared the health decrees of the white coats with the decrees of Hitler brown shirts and whether Sykes likes it or not people have free will and there is a comparison. Charles Sykes wants people to obey the ruling elite and their doctors but this is nit going to happen and a chump like Charles Sykes going after

skeptics to these unproven and risky vaccines sows the dangers we have with turn jerks like Charles Sykes having media megaphones and being allowed to spread their misinformation op-eds and disinformation while they accuse those with holding different options as the spreaders . Make no mistake Charles Sykes is a Charlie Brown type nerd and nothing this jerky boy says should ever be trusted as he is a supporter of medical tyranny and erosion of our basic human rights as a govenrment supremacist that Charlie Sykes believes in and serves so willingly.