Armando Arturo
Pizza News
Daym Drops couldn't believe it . Mr Drops is the biggest name in food review and he often goes out and reads Yelp reviews and then does his own and many of Daym Drops reviews in the past have been done with pizza and the three hundred pound plus Beast form the Est lives pizza. Daym Drops though couldn't believe it when he stopped by the worse review pizza eatery in the state if Connecticut . Daymon Drops stopped by
Husky Pizza somewhere in the backwoods of Connecticut . Drops dropped by this pizza place that was virtually a shit hole dirty and broken down in a broken down strip mall and everything was tot tally dirty about this place from the inside and the outside.what really was too much and made Daym Drops to sit down his food reviews was when he was at Husky Pizza and
watched them make this terrible pizza and Daymon Drips said the women was touching his pizza dough without gloves and the woman didn't wash her hands. Daym Drops has had enough and uttelry refused to eat this pizza as he showed it and for the first time in his two dozen years of food reviewing on-lime Daym Drops didn't eat the food and was disgusted by the pizza offered by Husky Pizza.
The pizza has shown on Daymon Drops film has no pizza sauce and was topped with cheap pizza cheese and tostito type chips and tis was the most disgusting pizza Daym has ever seen created and dished up by a pizza business. Daym Drops hates Husky Pizza and everything it stands for and without eating or trying this pizza Daym Drops was able to deduce tbs is by far the worse pizza in the country and perhaps the worse pizza in the

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