Clark Kramer
One if the most entrepreneur ad repulsive senator in America is Elizabeth Warner of Massachusetts who is a committed Marxist and fabricates most of the stuff she speaks out of her horses ass and some have questioned the possibility this woman is just evil and is a demon walking in human form. Queen Elizabeth is committed to preserving the death cult of abortion and without a doubt this sick woman get pleasure knowing that since Roe V Wade has been made legal by imbecile politician like herself over a hundred million people have been terminated in their mothers womb and been denied an opportunity for life and one must wonder what this phony Pocahontas Half Delaware ,half Cherokee, a quarter Choctaw and a quarter Alaskan
Indian and two percent Eskimo Elizabeth Warren would feel it if someone down her extreme and unique heritage decided that one of her ancestor or if Queen Elizabeth's own half Mohawk mother decided to scalp a baby developing Elizabeth in her womb. Warren would play a different tone and give a opinion if there was a chance she would off gotten terminated in a womb and many of these pro abortion women would feel differently if they had a mother considering abortion or their mommy told them they were about to abort the fetus that eventually became them. make no mistake the reason this wicked witch form Massachusetts wants abortion to be legalized is it gives her pleasure to think about and laugh that babies are being ripped apart in their mothers womb terminated and denied a lifetime of opportunity, graduations,weddings, birth and lifetime fulfillment. Elizabeth Warner was humiliated at this abortion meeting a she was ranting and raging against Christians and Republicans when she started getting heckled by anti-abortionists and the group she was ranting and spewing her usual hate as a committed left-wing radical politician and scumbag that is this monster senator Ms Warren. The Massachusetts senator is perhaps the most egregious wicked scumbag politician in America right now even worse than Charles Schumer.

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