Eric Ericson
More evidence the mainstream media is dying is evident in the latest article by Mona Charen a syndicated crazed columnist journalist writer who wrote this 24 hundred word article about the worry of male masculinity and tried to blame Tucker Carlson for this paranoia. Mona Charen says boys and men gravitate to Trump, Tucker er, and Putin as opposed I guess to Charles Schumer, Ed Mularky and Bernie Sander I guess which this wench would prefer to get followed. Mona Charen says the female empowerment of a softer culture lead by feminists and their business founders is distressing men and that men can't handle the rise of women and the changes of structural relation ship patterns is now sets in and indeed this crazy woman says nothing the business culture and education that funds women and feminine culture an
byproducts instead blaming men for being fans of Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump and like a good lying libturd she tried ti attach these two great American patriot to the war crimes of Vladimir Putin ahhh er because she is a feminazi fascist writer for global mainstream medial Mona Charen and her opinion articles are complete garbage and nothing she wrote about the decline of males and the worry
for the future of masculinity and if Mona doesn't watch out we can have a revolutionary change to tis crazed upside down society that will pout the modern Western woman on par with how the Taliban are treating their women making the to dress head to toe and the cocky attitude of a Mona Charen blaming men for their problems typical of the horse manure media Pravda lie she put out forth in the terrible institutions of propaganda newspapers have become. The reason women outperform men and are like 70% of college graduates is because of the extreme bias and failures of education and the economy producing to many weak soft jobs in order to give women this Independence in life that again is economically driven by massive debt as women cannot do hard physical build jobs and won't do it and we create an overabundance of dumb products chemically trashing the planet with over manufacture of cheap product geared toward women like make up, clothing. or shoes. Women constitute the vast minority if science and math related college majors and women only dominate in the weak easy stupid majors like social services,sociology , or public relations program created for them.

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All her recent garbage article and hit piece on masculinity crisis and trying to explain Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump's popularity tied with it was an attempt to smear their followers and attach them to Vladimir Putin. Mona Charen is a committed scumbag Marxist and should change her name to Marxist Charen
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