Dave Berkson
Prime time Alex Stein is the Jesse Jackson of his day a hustler and a charlatan willing to go an confront whoever big political voice and name regardless of party affiliation. The liberals are a loving it now as one again Prime time Stein confronted a Republican as he went to some Texas Republican convention and confronted and challenged Texas one-eyed fish-eyed fool Dan Crenshaw. Mr Stein and some other Youtuber pranker made video where they followed Mr Cranshaw and called him a eagle eye freak and another John McCain. Dan Crenshaw is the epitome of evil looking like a character
out of Hogans Heroes with his eye patch and this man likely would of been a Nazi had he been born around 1926 in Central Europe and Germany .Make no mistake this man is not worthy f the Republican party and there ius a reason Mr Chainsaw and his anti-Trump stance is not respected and hated by many conservative trui patriots tired of the Rhinoshit that these Adam Kinzinger zinger type Republicans get elected running as a Republican and then these pieces of shit become Democrats

White House despite the vast masses rejecting this guy time and again voting against him for president through the years than voting for Mr Bozo Biden. Alex Stein trolled Crenshaw so unmercifully that he is seriously thinking of moving to eye-patch McCain district and running against this pirate for the Texas congressional seat that he currently holds.
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