Andy and Chris Wakrski bash the New York gun fire hell hole and gleeful the right to bear concealed weapons available to everyone

    Kyle Perry

       The recent Supreme court decision has enraged crazed New York Mayor Etc Adams and unselected governor and baroness Kathy Hochul. Ms Hochul is a baroness form hell like many of these Nazi era wealthy single widowed women who extrapolated the image of wealth and avocation of it during the Nazi era and often highlighted in the television series Hogans Heroes. Make no mistake the power of these women has always been disturbing and downright evil and what we are seeing  being played out as this elite and scumbag botch Kathy Hochul doubles up on figuring out new ways to repress the rights of

ordinary law-abiding citizens while their laws do nothing to prevent guns in the hands if the massive enumber of cockroach criminals that run and scurry about bringing down the quality of life in Jew York City. Andy and Chris Warski eviscerated this politician along with past mayor Bill De Blassio and the current Eric Adams for being against the rights of ordinary New Yorkers..Americans from being ale to have the right to own and purchase guns ans conceal them to use in time of street attack and emergency.

Only acrutl fuck or a wicked witch political from New York would be against this ingrained right that is written in the constitution and the Warksi brothers sad it is evil witches in politics like  Kathy Hochul that are trying to destroy this country working for the safety of the criminal class. Chris Warski says the reason there is not conceal gun rights is because of politicians like BIll De Blassio and his mugly  black

supremacist wife who have strong armed security detail and never have to really worry about being the victim of random street crime and the Warksi's praised the supreme  courts decision that nulls and voids the wicked pro-criminal  polticla laws enacted by the crazed urban Democrat polticla class more concerned of criminals  being the victims  to vigilante justice than the domestic terrorism of Black man urban crime in New York and other large cities in America. The liberal shit media always is quick to point out gun crime  and the need of reform and it being a public health crisis but they never want to look at the fact a small minority of demographics is the vast majority of perpetrators of gun violence and this is something the lunatic liberals and Democrats will never acknowledge this deleterious violence coming from urban blacks. 

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