Arrest Charles Schumer .. David Clarke calls for there to be investigation prosecution, and arrested for threatening lives of Supreme court justices for the social justices extremists

    Ed West

    Former Milwaukee sheriff and current podcast host David Clarke cane in his YouTube channel and called for the arrest of New York senator Charles Schumer. Mr Schumer is a radical Marxist in our congress and one of the more out of control Democrats long making a habit of threats to his political opponents and a old clip from a year ago where he basically threatened justice Kavanaugh and another because he wanted to rile up the crowd and and made its rounds and was pertinent given the recent assassination attempt toward Brett Kavanaugh and without a doubt this psychopath politician from New York is responsible, Sheriff Clarke went off on him in a recent podcast and he called for the Republicans to make such a

major issue of this recent arrest of a twisted brainwashed individual and whether he was part of a larger network within the Democratic party and a conspiracy to kill off the members of the supreme court that are not aligned with the social agendas of the political left. There needs to be a January 6th type investigation to the near killing of justice Kavanagh and who funded and made possible aiding this maniac who showed p with knives and numchucks dressed like a ninja committed in murdering a supreme court justice and  whether Democrats have a hit list other supreme  court members they wished to terminate.

Charles Schumer went on a ranting rave where he clearly gave the justice death threats at a pro-abortion pro baby kill rally some time last year and Clarke says the rhetoric he used then was enough of a investigation and censure which naturally the Democrats ignored and refused to proceed even though it would of been done had a Republican threatened Ruth Ginsberg or the extreme left-wing Communists within our supreme court.
 There needs to be armed guards at all the justices who are not committed Communist liberals and this  is because we have dirtball politicians like King Chalres Shcumer advocating and calling for polticla violence and this man needs to be forced out of congress and faced a court of law for his political terrorism as this man is a complete danger to our Democratic

process and checks and balances. Charles Schumer is a evil sick man and the reason I reckon he called for physical death violence against justice Kavanaugh and justice Robert sis because this dog Schuner is a tyrant and wants to upend out system with a brutal one party authoritarian undemocratic state as seen in North Korea and China. Arrest Charles  Schumer and charge him with treason.

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