Ben Shapiro eviscerates scumbag Howard Stern as once again he considers running for president in 2024

 Ed West

     Talk show radio host Ben Shapiro totally eviscerated the geriatric dug addicted bad shock jock and sell out to the global world order in Howard Stern. Ben Shapiro once again mocked the idea that Howard Stern keeps horseshitting his way about running form the presidency and given the latest anger that jackass Stern feels ( or his paymaster bosses and money supliers)  feels about the Supreme Court decision to outlaw we are once again witnessing the  absurd audio of this piece of shit Howard Stern talking like he is going to run for president. Howard Stupid again was telling his Black bitch Robin that he is going to run for serious this time as president and the platform this wig wearing old psychopath is to add as many Democratic lefties leaning justices as he and his team can discover through a heavy vetting system and Ben Shapiro mocked the idea that Howard Stern care about women as the man got famous by sexually exploiting and

ridiculing women and Howard Scumern is the biggest misogynist one could of find in entertainment in the eighties and nineties. Stern is a scumbag who got popular not for his wit or intelligent offering or comedic talent but primarily for having nearly naked demimonde women. Now this big wig wearing  asshole is the strongest supporter of women and their rights to brutally destroy a living tissue that would be a human being in a few months in the womb of their mother. The mentally disturbed evil that Howard Stern represents and having such a platform and rewarded financially is shocking and appalling and further evidence of

the wicked corrupt financial propaganda era we find ourselves. The French had a revolution of mass murder because of people like Howard Stern. The shock jock 50 million dollars a year for stupidly Sirius XM radio is desperate for headlines from google and on-line sources and this is why this silly wig wearing goose is pretending like he is serious about running for president and the only running Howard Stern will do is to the toilet to dribble out his coffee shit in the morning and rare times he actually does a radio show twice a week.
 Ben Shapiro bashed this sorry ass jack fucker Stern and Ben did it really fast and effectively not wasting too much time on this over paid untalented XM Sirius globalist goofy fuck clown Stern . Why and how Howard Stern thinks that talking about running for president  will actually make people respect him more is beyond stupid and this guy couldn't  win a state sen ate seat in new York yet along run and win for the highest office in the land. I reckon that a lifelong abuse of hard core drugs and constant masturbation his two inch little penis may explain why Stern's brain is so busted in 2024. 

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