Bille Joe Armstrong renouces his citizenship and threatens to move to Iran

    Milton Wiener

   The all American rainbow boy Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day has renounced his citizenship following the decision by the supreme court that women's access to murderous abortions would be up to the states where it always was and should of been through the years. The untold crimes against humanity that allowing the termination of pregnancies that women found inconvenient through the tears ranks among the worse moments of world history right up there with the crimes of the Nazis and the Soviets and only a psychopathic insane liberal Democratic Party and their take over of the courts in the sixties explains why these crimes were allowed for our nation. Billie Joe Armstrong is a jackass and a half hardly consequential in this day of age and if this clown wants to join the Belgium Ringley Brothers and circus he should well go straight ahead and do it. No one is holding this bastard back and he is free to move and leave anytime and it would of been preferable if he had left the country 20 years ago.

Billie Joe Armstrong and other media and music libtards supported this mass murder of babies and the idea that the supreme court would end this has angered many member sf the extreme left where calls of violence have become commonplace. no one will Miss Billie Joe Asshole and this man and his music through the years have sucked ass and this r=guy ranks among the most woke bastards in the music mafia land as this undeserving prick has no appreciation for this corrupt farce of a  country that enabled a jokster untalented wokster such star power through the years. Nobody will care or miss this sorry ass jackass and Billie Joe Needs to move to Alaska or Russian or whatever and get the fuck out of this country and fuck him.

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