Fuck Lori Lightfoot

  Dominick D'Souza

     The maniac stupid Chicago mayor Lawrence Lightfoot has once again made a horses Democrat Party as out of himself and challenged and verbally assaulted supreme court justice Clarence Thomas. Lightface is like a lot of rotten Leftists in this country thinking we should have it perpetually ingrained to have the ritualistic right of murder on the unborn and with the recent overturning of this evil by the brave individuals on the supreme court Chicago sick mayor Lori Lightfoot went on a disturbing and threatening tirade against Mr Clarence Thomas. The psychotic mayor of Chicago who faces several challengers and hopefully her stinky ass is on the way out told and called for a chant by the mob of fuck Clarence Thomas. Lori Lightfoot is a fucking tyrant and may be the worse tyrant in the country and worse politician as there is and this is a radical monster who should fuck himself. This monsters one inch pussy or prick gets wett and semi hard thinking of babies being ripped apart and this is something this demonic politician want sot continue to see in evil demotic ritualistic killings of babies and this maniac will be before God to answer and atone to its Black heart. 

Many people in the crowd though chanted fuck Lori Lightfight and this maniac is the one who should fuck him or herself as this son of a bitch Lightfoot doesn't know what gender it is and most of the country does not know what the fuck Larry or Lori Lightfoot  is this stinker and ugly of mayor of Chicago. Are you kidding me and how  the fuck did a scumbag like Lightfoot ever get this once prestigious political office and outside of complete Democratic Party corruption and rigging of elections there is no other justification or reasoning how a silly bastard could ever become mayo of the third largest city in this country. Lori Lightfuck doesn't care for the lives of those alive  in Chicago yet alone the unborn and this evil
The mentally unhinged and disturbed Lori Lightfoot threatening Clarence Thomas at homo parade

fuck has done everything in his power to keep Chicago a shit hole and a shit hole persona is what the city of Chicago has for a leader and until this clown is voted the fuck out things will never improve . Make no mistake Larry Lightfoot is a monster and threatened  Clarence Thomas and his rhetoric might get Thomas  physically assaulted or killed. One has to wonder if this is what this sick fuck Lightfoot hopes with his rambling hatred against a sitting supreme  court justice  at the disturbing Chicago gay parade this past weekend which is nothing nut a hate fest and the rainbow flag has become the Confederate flag of today.
 Lori Lightbody and her threats against a sitting supreme court nominee is in demand for an investigation fro the justice department and the sickness of this radical evil mayor was exposed for all at this rainbow supremacist sexual perversion parade and Lightfuck is a sick mother fucker should be forced to resign. Larry  and his ugly  transgendered or lebian partner made a spectacle of themselves and again showed the incredible disregard for human life and this shit head likely would be supportive of sacrificial public events has he/she been in the Aztec empire circa 1500 A D. Fuck Larry Lightfoot. 

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