Jimmy Dore going after Wisconsin senator because he refuses to be ambushed by a independent reporter

      Eric Ericsson

     The dip shit has returned as podcaster and YouTube star comedian Jimmy Dore went off on Wisconsin's own great strong Republican and pro Trump advocate Ron Johnson in some ridiculous unimportant incident where the claim is made senator Johnson pretended to be on the phone to avoid being stopped by some nobody reporter wanabee. The ambush attempt occurred outside the grounds of the capital and in all essence Mr Johnson doesn't have to take questions whether it be a legitimate beat reporter yet alone some left-wing prick with a microphone who thinks he is going to get Ron Johnson with a stupid

question, The idea that Kurt Metzger and Jmmy Dore would somehow think a hot piece against senator Johnson was warranted once again show Jimmy Dore is moving towards the polticla left again as one f the top sponsors for politics for hire . If Ron Johnson wants to avoid some question from a person with agenda then it is up to him and for all the dipshit Dore knows or this lying reporter is senator Johnson was indeed on the phone with a very important political discussion and the ignorance of the dipshit Dore was

once again on display for the World Wide Web to see. I wonder how Jimmy Dipshit would like it after each bad comedy show or broadcast of his own there were those with a microphone trying to get  a gotcha moment and ambushing this silly goose rat bastard Jimmy Dore or his frequent co hosts and guests. Jimmy Dore should be harassed by reporters asking unimportant and undependable set up questions and then and only then maybe perhaps the dipshit would have a different opinion and again he and this dumb fuck reporter don't know nor have any proof to conclude whether Johnson was or was not on the phone. 

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