Dominick D' Souza
The egg head geriatric dribble yolk has fallen and much like humpty dumpy Joe Biden once again embarrassed himself unable to comprehend how to do a simple task and this country is fucked to have such a nimrod leader at this time. If we are lucky Joe Biden will be thrown off a bridge or fall off one day as this inept bastard is completely crushing the economic prosperity if people and their retirement savings and sooner or later Joe Biden and his top member sin his administration may face prosecutor implications and investigators for their disastrous deeds they have committed upon this country. Joe Biden fell and he fell hard but unfortunately the safety and precautionary Joe Biden was both wearing a N95 mask and a helmet

Joe Biden has a concupiscent for seeing interracial commercials and porn and is a ranting raging lunatic a man unable to comprehend what he is doing to the country and perhaps doing it on purpose as the fractional difference and hatred of this country is splitting into two separate countries as half of the country and thin predominate Red states should secede form this country if one part of the country is going to continue to trample on our democracy and install Chinese bike riding puppets like Joe Biden into office who serve the immigrant in invasive species community more than the natural domestic born. Joe Biden is a traitor tot his country an corrupt career politician of the Democratic principles and values that care more for foreigners and serve their economic interests and business take over within our borders and they do this based solely on money and campaign contributions form those who come to America and desire to bringing their seventies style socialism from India or Latin American X leftist politics.

Joe Biden is a dipshit who vacation n all of the time in hos Delaware backwoods and how many young girls have been trafficked to his part of Delaware for his sexual pleasure will never be known. Joe Biden rides a bike so much because he wants people to get used to biking as his inflation and attack on the price of gasoline has been directed by those who would profit from this and high gas prices and he wants to wane people off automobiles and fossil fuels because he is a rat bastard globalist and puppet for international gas and oil sellers.
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