Lincoln, Nebraska GameStop employees walk out on stressful job as executives rake in millions

    Arnold Buckley

   Game Stops stock is once again blowing up back and forth as we have stated this company  is a stick swindle company and not in the business of selling video games and this is becoming more and more evident and a recent walk off by  of a Gamestop in Lincoln, Nebraska is further evidence. The  amount of stress the worker son the ground making bare minimum wage living and the low pay and dealing worth clue less customers feeling often understaffed is a major complaint and the crash of Gamestop may in fact finally come for this video game company.

Most video games are steaming and physical hard copy of the industry is long gone and how and why are there Game Stop with low wage workers can only be best explained by the stock market need and swindle that the market needs fake companies such as Gamestop that would otherwise need go bankrupt The walk off of the Gamestop employees was a message to the reditters on WallStreet Bets that often ignores the nefarious aspects and lack of respect the company gives their workers and I say for the investing class this is welcome news as arrogant stock dealers and day traders likely prefer the company races to the bottom and treat their workers like shit. .

 The impossible quotes and goals that management use to harass the workers at  Gamestop and other kick in the balls that the GameStop Employees must take for the profits of these stock  swindlers is often repeated on Reddit and made clear by former workers and Gamestop was voted worse place to work by Town and Country ahh hhh Magazine or something. 
 Gamerstop is a rotten and now scandalous corrupt stick fixing company and we are calling for a complete investigation of this company, its top executives, and its top shareholders of whether this is now a legitimate company and how it treats it s work force and an full accounting of this companies numbers need to be fully investigated and examined as nothing that Gamestop and its stick price and revenue should be taken with a grain of salt.

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