New calls for XM Sirius Satellite to fire Howard Stern after he bashes Saudi Arabia's new golf tournament and shows his anti-Semitism towards Arabs

      Brian Brain

    Former shock jock Legend Howard Stern who has backtracked into this weird political troll is in hot water once again because of his big mouth as he has throughout his career Howard Stern was disgusting how the PGA is under attack by this new golf league funded by the Saudi government called LIV tour  and how all these golfers are switching ships through the massive money being offered by this salty Venture Howard Stern proceeded to bash anti-semitic against his fellow somatic Neighbors in the Middle East Howard Stern best Arabs in the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia saying that without oil these people will be nothing but milking and selling camels and goats and this recent comment by him has 4 calls for XM Sirius punish Howard Stern and his bigotry through the years it is doubtful XM Sirius will fire Howard Stern for these comments even though they're openly racist and typical of the comments Howard Stern has said throughout the years and this is a man who is unhinged losing his train of thought and says whatever is on his mind and he is not much unlike Joe Biden Howard Stern is a scumbag and has been one

throughout his career and the lack of punishment and firing for him for his sayings has not occurred much since he joined satellite radio and it got that bogus 400 million dollar contract XM series and was able to purchase Bethel Trotsky as a wife Howard Stern wears a wig and his wig was on fire as he was totally triggered about the money offer to Tiger Woods and other golfers and he says that this should be illegal of what the Saudi Arabia is doing and many golf fans will now not be able to see they're favored golfers competes because of these two rival leaks who will not share the golf players under contract. This apparently  pisses Mr Stern  off who in recent years has become a big golf avid fan taking  so much vacation form his radio show and 400 contract he hits every tournament and now he is triggered and he will no longer be assured to see the worlds best golfer sin his favorite tours as many have signed up exclusively  to play in Arabia and the Gulf States,

Howard Stern also bashed Phil Mickleson for not taking the vaccine or promoting it more and Mr Stern brain is so obsessed with thought of Covid, Delta. Omicron and any other health  repository disease he is living a life of panic and fear of thought and movement. Howard Stern is angered at all the golfers jumping away from the PGA and goign to LIV and one can only hope Howard Stern gets a similar offer , learns Arabic, and goes away and fly  off and live in the lands and stans of the Arab sand Muslims and talks the same shit he does in America against the government, religion, and kingdoms.

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