Prime time Alex Stein confronts a bunch of transvestites grooming young children at a gay bar

 Ed West

   The internet activist and Christian broadcaster known as Alex Stein prime time went undercover in drag to a repulsive pride grooming event of little kids as the rainbow nation within this country and globally are out of control and don;t even try to hide their desires of recruitment and getting access to children. a disgusting drag show featuring young children occurred in a LGBTQUTPU event in Dallas where men pretending to be women and wearing female outfits and pink pantyhose did this modeling event drag queen show with some little children they were able to get from their allies and sick friends who desire to expose their kids to this decedent immoral and perverted lifestyle.

Mr Stein and his friends had enough and decided to protest and crash this disturbing drag queen grooming event and the video went viral as the crazed insane mob surrounded Mr Stein and thankfully police were at the scene to prevent violence form the benevolent and tolerant left gay agenda.  r Stein has made a name for himself for confronting the nursing and Rainbow fascists in country and his important work in exposing these child friendly drag queen shows where the lGBTQTV Communist

seeks ti groom and produce the next generation of transvestites is remarkable and we need more people confronting the Rainbow activities when it involves children and can be identified as obvious grooming of the young to their alternative sick lifestyle. Stein has come on various ingternet right-wing shows to discuss his undercover drag work in these bars and what he saw with these shows and what he says should disturb every parent there is who cares for their children and the influence of pushing forward a gay agenda by the left-wing public school teachers unions who think this drag shows and the lifestyles of transgender ism is perfect normal and a rightful choice for their children to get involved, 
 Mr Stein will continue to make city council videos bashing the nursing authoritarian of Covid or into the gay bars and bathhouses to expose these LGBT shows that involved children and attempt to expose these kids and exploit them into their programming and ideology to spread to their peers which is needlessly to say insane in the membrane. 

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