Scumbag Vincent K McMahon investigated for sexual harassment and steps down as CEO of WWE

  George Jenner

     The day has finally come for the scumbag monopolist who practically destroyed professional wrestling in the eighties and put out regional fun wrestling which was popular throughout the country back in the day before thus jerk put them out of business. The seventy six year old scumbag Vincent K McMahon has stepped down as his chairman position after allegations he took sexual in priorities with several staff women working under him and he paid out some of them in the tune of three million dollars and shareholder snot only made this guy step down they should take away all family control of the world Wrestling Entertainment and the McMahon family should no longer have control of this international and only really top wrestling promotion in existence and of any relevancy.

The downfall of this fake billionaire is the most welcome news of 2022 thus far and we long have been hoping this guy would lose his company and he deserves so to be so humiliated how he destroyed so many other smaller independent regional wrestling promotions that the international financial class and mainstream media helped virtually destroy and hand this industry to this sorry son of a botch as Steve Cold Austin would often say and the days of Vincent K McMahon 

   Mr McMahon and his expenditures to  keep his sexual escapades and sexual harassment under cover is being investigated along with the calls of racism as Vincent McMahon recently let go the extremely popular Sasha Banks and Naomi and there are rumors going around that Mr McMahon let them go because they would not go to bed with the chairmen and do a french menge twas or something. Naomi Banks and Sasha Banks were paid little and let go by this creep and it is long coming that Vincent K McMahon had been humiliated and exposed for the scumbag that he is and again with the news that his daughter would be the next CEO is disturbing because this means basiclaly Vince is still controlling as this woman knows nothing as Sargent Schulz would say.

The international money laundering pipeline has used Mr McMahon's company and in the tune of revenues of over a billion dollars and a record high the illegality of Vince for the criminal underground cannot be underestimate . If anyone thinks that the awful bad product of professional wrestling and it mega deals such as with Time Warner are deserving of a billion dollars then they would believe rocks from Antarctica are worth their weight in Gold and Silver. 

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