Serpentza worried about the little leprechauns in Chinese society always following him as he reports on China and the coming war with Taiwan

     Calvin Hamilton

     The crazed Winnie the pooh dictatorship of Jinping Xi and his top general staff are moving the world closer to another big war and this one over Taiwan could spark World War III. The Chinese empire wishes to replicate Japans of World War II and their rival Democratic island nation that was the escape place of the original Chinese

government before the ruthless bloodthirsty Communist took over in 1949 has produced a amazing stalemate that China needs to  accept once and for all that Taiwan is a independent nation and with the ai  of the United States and our allies will remain a bastion for democracy in the hell hole undemocratic demonic nation and government that is the

China ruled by one party stateists the CCP aka Chinese Communist Party.  Jinping Xi and the communists  have many strong allies in the United States government including Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden and a recent threat that China is committed to maintaining the   nation of Taiwan and insists it belongs to them ]has independent journalist Serpentza worried. The famed Youtuber lives and sneaks around China often reporting on the insanity of this country and how it has been propelled and strengthened through the years by our corrupt institutions and Democratic Party lunatics and business allied interests through the years.

The CCP government seems to be up ticking theirs surveillance in Serpentza who has had to travel back and forth often change allies and use Chinese passports and he says the attitude of the Chinese leadership and military brass and recent comments from maniacs within the CCP such as defense minister and now Serpentza says the Chinese are employing their little network of spyleprechauns all of ver the world to gather intelligence and dissenters form Taiwan and other forces that might contribute to a Taiwan defense and supply. Serpemtza loves Chinese Asian pussy and her is ll willing to fought for the freedom to travel as the South African born globalist has lived in China for along time and he is ready to join a military defense system in Taiwan as he truly

believes we are weeks away from the Taiwanese Chinese war of 2022 which incidentally will be in 2022. Serpentza has just joined Taiwan defense forces and is being given training in running a gunnery or whatever and this man is now earning  all of the Taiwan pussy he has conquered in the past and becoming a true Taiwanese patriot and fighter against the sinister international socialism who is allied and given props to China in the past allowing them to accelerate their wealth and military power.

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