Russ Russo
Shaquille O'neal made headlines because he foot the bill of everyone at some elite luxury restaurant and the absurdity of this news was not scrutinized much as clearly people wining and dining at this luxury restaurant clearly can afford their own tab. All the Shaquille O' Neal tab purchasing proved is that we live in a extreme unequal society and Shaq purchasing meal tabs get an expensive restaurant for likely for already well to do people means nothing and is more bullshit news to come out and be pushed forward by a midstream media living . There is nothing the sporting and media elites love than seeing other overpaid people dish out generosity paying bills for rich people while ignoring the system that gives this big buffoon so much wealth and money where in actuality his generosity means nada given the freebies he has been given by the corrupt business global system . Anyone can be as generous as Shaquille O'Neal for a night wanting to impress a date and get their worm hooked and sucked ion when they get 300 million for essentially dong practically nothing.
individuals and ballers such as Shaquille Oneal have such a command and hole on our corrupt economic system purchasing twenty grand of meals for some Manhattan restaurant is the equivalent of normal people spending a quarter for a soda, <r O' Neal us so generous because other fraudulent system s have been generous to this freak of nature and godless prick and the real issue is not who the mysterious women scumbag over-paid elite Shaquille Oneal bu why this over grown baby and clown still has so much money through a long retirement that hge can easily foot a bill and why did he choose at that moment. The corrupt central banking class likely just handed O' Neal some funny money to spend and bail out some restaurant of a banksters friend and if anyone thinks Sawquille O Neal would use his own money to spend for the tabs of others

self wealth is 300 million dollars and the real issue is not O'Neals generosity but why this economic order is so generous to a loud mouth who just talks and last was a baller some decades ago and Mr O'Neal should not have such wealth to purchase such a tab and this is a failure of past governments to ending the swindle that the business class deals out for their favorite individuals in their economic nonsense and oppression on the masses.
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