Wilbur Morris
The Russian sycophant for Vladimir Putin best describes activist and crazed libertarian Scott Horton and he had insane pro-Russian psychopath retired general Douglass MacGregor on his show who spread so many lies it was utterly disgusting. Scott Horton has always been pro-Russian fiend and how this scoundrel keeps finding American military and policy makers to put forward such horseshit for this authoritarian monster Vladimir Putin amazes me and perhaps no broadcaster in America puts out as much pro-Russian sick propaganda as Scott Horton. Douglass MacGregor has it the other way around as he
says the Ukrainians are to blame and their suppression or f Russians in the Dumbass region is what is at cause of the Russian Ukrainian war. Never mind the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Russians and the totalitarian views of Vladimir Putin who has been waging maniacal wars against his neighbors and the retired general sees Washington DC has prolonging this war and causing the Russians to shell Ukrainians to smithereens . The last I looked the shelling on the innocent Ukrainians is being conducted by this
butcher Vladimir Putin who ranks among the top mass serial killers and dictators in modern world history and being such Putin has the admiration of American psychopaths like Scott Norton and Douglass Macgregor. Once again Colonel Macgregor puts all full blame on this war on the Ukrainian which is ridiculous and only a paid hack for mother Russian and on the payroll of the Russian evil empire would say such nonsense. This idiot lying retired military jackass speaks with fork tongue and much Russian vodka on the Scott Horton program.
The Ukrainians are fighting for their very existence and survival as a people and nation and this two bit scumbag colonel or General or whatever he is appears on this radical anti-war propagandist podcast to explain their views that we are all all fault of this war and as usual Horton and his guest made the comparison that how would we feel if a foreign country was finding and sending military aid and arming Mexico and again I guess if we had illegally invaded and attacked Mexico the way the fucking Russians attacked and invaded Ukrainian territory for all of these years I suppose these nations would be justified in aiding the Mexicans.
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