Andy Cruz
Jimmy Dore has become a dipshit again and despite turns to the right and taking down lunatic liberal sin the media and celbritodom once again the foreign policy ignorant ignoramus dipshit of Jimmy Dore's brain has come about once again on the pictures of Venezuela. Jimmy Dore knows nothing of Venezuela politics and how the extreme left has basiclaly used inflation in the past much lie Joe Biden to wage war on capitalism and Mr Dore obviously must support the extremists in Venezuela of the radical left who don't want free and fair elections and have what is the textbook playbook of undemocratic socialism in the world. Jimmy Dore and his round of journalist and comedian guests get it wrong on Venezuela and
Venezuela assembly man and opposition to socialism is beaten like a dog by thugs of Nicolas Maduro |
whether they do this purposeful in their support for mad dog dictator former bus driver Hugo Chavez limo driver Nicolas Maduro is not known. What is known is Juan Guaido defeated or was defeating Nicolas Maduro before the ltef-wing Communist fascist shut down the elections some years ago and there is debate whether who is the actual president and this pig cochina coward Maduro refuses to h]let Venezuela's democratic process proceed and have free and fair elections. Jimmy Dpre keeps saying that Juan Giaido
is the US hand selected intern president and puppet of America yet the silly ass jack rabbit dip bairn says nothing of Hugo Chavez and then now Nicolas Maduro being a puppet for the international socialist undemocratic movement and China and this is because Jimmy Dore fully supports this nefarious vile socialist movements and undemocratic take overs of countries as long as they come from the left and thew commies. Juan Giaido was nearly beaten to death and his attack by a mob of Maduro
thugs was reminiscent of the beating Manuel Noriega's henchmen gave to a vice president of Panama about three decades ago in a similar shocking and appalling form of political street violence often so common on the streets of the global South and Latin America. Jimmy Dore doesn't get it hut the reason Guaido is the interim president because rthere was obvious election tampering and evidence of such and the Venezuela screwjob of Madro over the
opposition has served as a inspiration for Joe Biden and the Obama Bidencrats i 2020. Jimmy Dore is ignorant or condones this violence and wants the perpetual Nicolas Maduro anti-capitalist regime to continue for all of eternity and the man needs to read more about Venezuela's dark slide to authoritarianism and the nightmare it has become and look into the fact Juan Guaido and the political opposition to this dog dictator Nicolas Maduro actually were winning and about to boot this madman out of office before this son of a pig canceled the elections and if Jimmy Dore denies this he is deep into the pol blood money pockets of the socialists and Maduro followers in Venezuela and he knows this.
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