Joe Biden pushing Covid again and becomes the perpetual Covid president

   Brandon Hunter

    Old Joe is sick and once again isolating himself given the destructive power of mother nature and its ability to use Chinese bat made virus in a laboratory to wreck havoc on the human body. It as just been announced the past hour that Old Joe Biden once again has caught Covid after having it last week or two and whether this is all Covid vacicne advertising and Covid shit is not known but again we hope this is th first stages of death or the resignation of corrupt illegitimate presidential regime of this monster. Joe Biden it is expected might use this to step aside with will and grace and this man need to go away as the bozo has been disaster for this country as everything he has done has been meant to hurt and

destroy all aspects of this country and our economy. Joe Biden one can say is a economic terrorist a man willing to use all of his political presidential power to work against the citizens and empower rand give leverage to people outside the country and this is a classic case of a new classic treasonous liberal and traitor which Joe Biden is obvious in his personality. 

 Joe Biden is ether bullshitting trolling for this industry of health disorder or he is in fact sick and I would be willing to bet he is full of shit because dribble brain is about the most dishonest son of a bitch ever to get into major political office and only the stoopids of this millennial generation likely explains why this maniac might of been elected president and I at least know I am part of a generation that routinely rejected this zero in his past presidential attempts including one which in 1988 this bastard had to withdraw in disgrace for plagiarizing speeches as this man has not had a original thought and is obsessed with race mixing to be portrayed in television commercials he is such a perverse mother fucker and a fucking disgrace as a leader. The quicker this old troll drops as the Beastie Boys would say  the better off this country will become and we can only pay this vulpine jackass  idiot drops 

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