Alex Jones says crow face Nasty Pelosi being shot down should not be a cause for war with China and he predicts World War III

    Alex Mousololuolupolous

    The global forces for profiteering of another world war are attempting to bring about a World war and Nasty Nancy Pelosi potential visit to Taiwan is a possible Franz Ferdinand chance of World war III. This sis exactly what Info wars super star and huge internet personality Alex Jones predicted a World War III with China and Nancy Pelosi death and airplane shooting down that China has threatened would likely cause a war with the two countries as deep state individuals especially within the Democratic party

desire for a world war with China. Alex Jones says fuck face Nancy Pelosi should not be the charge to ignite a war and the wicked witch from California and Alex thinks its unfair that this nasty woman's death would be the start of World War III or Asian War I. The death of this unpopular skuzzy and skanky old woman  by China should be warmly welcomed in this country as this disgusting elite politician has done more than any political figure to bring about mistrust and hate with countrymen and Nasty Pelosi is a toxic individual who should not be in politics,

The agitation of China by this leaked planned Nancy Pelosi trip and show of support was likely ling thought out and a provoking troll by the United states and the Democratic corrupter in power sending Americas most hated and distrusted politician and Nancy Pelosi is an embarrassment and hated around the world by our enemies and allies .

This is a old crow fuck face of this ..this...  woman who should really consider retirement and Mr Ines wondered why at this time is the nasty one making this provoking trip and whether Taiwan is trying to gloat the Chinese to bring it on and prepared for total war. Nancy Pelosi refuses to give up power and this is a woman who should consider retirement and possible a career change and we suggest Nancy Pelosi should go into stand up comedy or whatever.

Nasty Pelosi is on a world tour thinking she is a aging  rock stars like Alanis Morisette of Sheryl Crow instead of a ageing scoundrel corrupt politician and she is making an ass of the country telling the Malaysian foreign  minister of greet and meet Yeon Kilwasha that Malaysian should chance their flag looks too much like old glory . Alex Jones meanwhile is a great American and a patriot and it is hard to find any on-line news on him as an y google or bog tech search brings up Sandy Hook lawsuits and more lies and smears against him by a libtard left-wing commie media.
 Alex Jones predicted a World War between China and America not only for Taiwan but through all of Asian as the committed Marxist goal of the orange Faced Orange dictator Jinping Xi sis unlimited and this maniac is perhaps history scariest world leader since Joseph Stalin the crazed Chinese ruthless dictator for all we know has already killed more people in his ling regime than all of the victims of Hitler's victims in the holocaust. As far as Nancy goes she is muglier and older than I ever recall Nancy Reagan of being and she should wear a mask perpetually.

The evil left in America along admired this crazy in China and many would be disappointing  by a world war as hey all long looked at China not as Americas enemy but as a banker who gave them free money and the conflicting  the polticla left and the Democratic politicians and Hollywood types would feel with a World War III between China and America already are stressing those who relied and allied with this monster Winnie the Pooh look alike and scumbag Jinping Xi.

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