Troy York
The left wing maniacs of podcast are so numerable we are only able to focus and bash a few and two of them we often bash the ass of are Israeli Venezuelan David Pakman and New York's own Sam Seder. Both Pakman and son of Sam are the sons of elites who easily are able to get their propaganda left-wing pravda internet media sources funded and the amount of lies and promotion of Cuban and Venezuelan style socialism is the committed goal of these two jag fags. Both Pakman and Seder are race
hustlers who cannot stop talking about the lies and spreading on racial division and Pakman has been called out endlessly for undemocratic socialism as Pakman is an ally for undemocratic socialism coming from Argentina and Venezuela. Likewise Sam Seder is a extremist lefties from New York who is a loser and just pushes socialism and both of these losers and total zeros talk shit in like 20 videos a day all
attacking viciously Republicans. Trumpists, Christians, and conservatives all while ignoring the disastrous polices meant to wreck and cause havoc on our economy that foreign globalists and their propagandists like Sam sissy and Pakman would benefit. David Pakman is a punkman on the payroll of Venezuelan mad dog dictator Nicolas Maduro and a personnel hero for David Pakman has always been Hugo Chavez as Chavez reminds him of a another Latin American hero Che Guerrero which Pakman wish
he was a balls man and be like instead of the lying manipulative little worm propagandist soy boy that he is. Likewise Sam Seder thinks he is the smartest person in the world and he can win the global debate club on politics if there was one ad Sam Seder is a fuck terd always has been a fuck turd and always will be. Both of these libturds and Sam Seders eyebrow penis pubic hair are straight out of trolldom and paid for by international leftists whether they been in Venezuela , India, or Iran and their continued attack on our country and polticla system is primarily from orders and the pravda department form places such as these countries and of course China and Russia as well.
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