Chet Oliver
The disgusting mudslinging attempt against our political system and Donald Trump by the boring January 5th commission is itself worthy of a investigation as this disgusting senator if New York named Kristen Gillibriand came out on fake news insurrection forever coverage of ABC News. This news media platform is attempting to meddle and interfere in the elections desperate to sling smears and misinformation in what they expect will hurt Mr Trump in his third attempt to run for president and whether the scumbag Communists at ABC news like it or not Mr Trump s not going to be deterred by this witch hunt being' perpetuated by the lunatic liberals in
governments and in particular this wicked with from New York. It is amazing that Kirstin Gillibriand is a sitting US senator as this bitch is a crazy as bitch as Buck Cherry would say and we don't like it. Kirstin Gillibrand is working hard for her party and attempting to bring about a one party state to the country like Democrat scum such as her have established in New York. Only a undemocratic blue state and long
term committed successful of a plan can attest to why in 2022 New York has this dumbass wench witch as senator. I cannot I cannot I cannot believe that this woman Kirtsen Gillibrand is a sitting US senator and unbelievably she has plans of running for president in 2024 to our sources if and when Delaware corrupt Joe retires out of necessity. This bitch has come out and lied and lied about January 6th and this woman failed presidential campaign in 2016 first exposed the world to this polticla extremist who had the red star of Cuba behind her and without a doubt Kirstin Gillibrand is a Cuban asset and supporter of their polticla system desires for the same here in the states. Kirstine Gillibrand is desperately trying to build up her brand name in Democratic polticla inner circles and I reckon this explains the horse shit she comes up on ABC news as she stated that there will be criminal prosecutions and arrests resoling in the January 6th

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