Jason Fool
Yea you know me Dr D is this Tik Toker fool who break and cracks primarily women's back at some chiropractor lounge posting dozens of videos a day where he supposedly fixes postures and gets up and close and bends young females backs to a cracking sensation. Dr Durante is a stud and a half and probably can get alot of women with his chiropractor profession and his soft little dimples that make women and men drool but there are others who may think Dr Chris Durante over charges for his chiropractic services much of it consists of him just cracking a persons back and then charging them fools a hundred bucks and one must wonder if Durante
envisions himself as some sort of porn star getting paid to fondle and push ass women until a popping sound either comes form her back or his dick. Mr Durante elves creeping pinches on women back and finding the spine or whatever and the amount of sexual harassment one sees in his foolish cringe worthy videos already make some winder why this fool continues to make these videos and it is only a matter of time
before some women say the doctor plushed her ars too much in a sexual way when he was making one of these videos with a special mic to capture the noise and sounds of crackling a ligament or something. The Jersey Shore Tik Tok doctor has made a big following on the Chinese owned data
collecting and spy ware inducing Tik Tok social media platform. Chris Durante doesn't know how to really make thins with his hands he needs to quit his doctor practice before these lawsuits develop and get into welding and perhaps bike Building should apply a job at Orange Country Choppers in Montgomery. New York and help the Teutul family build some fucking choppers or whatever.

ts accused with such shit. This Jersey shore jackass chiropractor need to quit making this crack videos and stop smoking it and get out and get areal job like bike builder or welder and quit the government funding health bamboolzlers of the new economic order as there are way too many health related business and doctors office with such clowns as Chris Durante pretending to be legitimate doctors when in fact all he does is crack ass and back.
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