Ric Flair is dead after last wrestling match from last week

 Brian Brain

     Wrestling Legend Ric Flair was an arrogant and pompous human being who continue to wrestle well past his Prime and last weekend the 73-year-old former professional wrestler hit a match that was called his last wrestling match. Ric Flair was an ugly human being that for some reason had friends in the southern wrestling circuit who promoted him as a champion despite the fact he was both ugly and had no body of muscle or girth . This is a man who should never have been famous as a professional wrestler and his ring skills were lacking along with his personality and it is truly amazing that Ric Flair even Rose to the prominence that he did in this fake silly fights pretends sport

This turned out to be true as Ric Flair suffered major head trauma and a brain aneurysm and he died shortly after addressing the crowd. Ric Flair was like in 78 years old or in his late seventies and should not have ever been in a wrestling ring and been retired for the last 20 years the damage to Ric Flair's brain Through The Years even though wrestling is a fake sport cannot be underestimated and Visually his last match was terrifying and horrifying Ric Flair was a bloody mess as his head hit the ring post several times and Ric Flair was slower than a three legged  turtle. Ric Flair should not have been in the wrestling ring this past year and for the WWE and Hunter Hearst Helmsley who's now in charge of it to have this old

nut in the ring is amount to elder abuse the World Wrestling Entertainment is responsible for the death of Ric Flair and the continued promoting of him through the years to Russell well in this late fifties early 60s and well into the seventies Ric Flair's death from a brain hemorrhage as his brain became butter through the years and finally succumbed to 4 Decades of damage was shocking and appalling and thankfully he did not die on camera Ric Flair is deader than a door nail and will not be wrestling anymore and he should never have been wrestling for the past decade and again any organization they had in Russell this was amount to Elder abuse. Ric Flair had a Joe Biden quality to him and his death was not shocking given the violence nature of the sport he was in and that the man was in his mid-70s still fucking  wrestling Ric Flair is dead at the age of 77

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