Tucker Carlson bashes Lollapalooza for having J Hole and other K pop scumbags no one outside of Korean nationality care about

 Gino Frobel

    Tucker Carlson and his feed against the army and K pop fans  in South Korea who are jingoist and believe  that their music actually a matter outside their borders and there is great fondness and following of such crap. The South Korean cultural exchange and the deep state pockets of this corrupt country that want to increase the prestige and moralize their countrymen explains more why K pop is of any relevancy and supposedly popular. K Poop is so popular that it headlines the Americana musical festival and whether K pop zero J Ass Hole paid for this slot at Chicago's lollapaooolza is not known bu highly probable

from many insider sources as few in this country who are not of K poop nationalist would actually care about this music any more than a singer from Vietnamese. In fact, if these other governments and cultural institution in other Asian countries committed the deep spending and promotion of their music would like translate into more and more fucking acts form Asia at these international festivals. K pop can't rock and all they make are synthesizer songs and I would not be surprised if this Korean fool was lip synching  and nothing is  real form billboard charts to streams are real as BTS sucks Monkey pox ass. 
  Contrary to what the K poop people in this country and around the world think massively promoting and pretending your acts are so hugely popular in and outside your own country doesn't get ride if the e"Math" stereotype of Asians being cool and this musical form and large following of the Army of K pop is actually a army of non  existence human being being bots. bits, beatniks , and dead poets etc. There is nothing real about K poop as a musical institution and popularity and in no way should this silly jackass have been in lollapalooza as anything  but a butt nut another simp elite willing to pay the travel and egregious ticket prices to feel important and feed ones own delusional ego. 
 Tucker Carlson is not intimidated by the incessant rolling of South Korea jingoists pushing their wealth and music to other parts of the world mainly in other Asian countries as the Korean people and their Reverend moon and other  weird Christian groups have long thought themselves as special Israelite type of people and I reckon this is why the country is so high with weird Christina cults that steal peoples money much like the assassin of Abe Shinzo of Japanstan some month ago felt the need to avenge. South Korea has taken so much money form America though the year establishing this troll music farm army of extreme libtards and they and this country are responsible along with bog tech for the polticla partisanship and strike division in this country with their open corruption and stupid troll music. J Hole looked like a total ass hole and danced like the fucking Tin man form the wizard of Oz and contrary to what the bots o  Twitter and social media the crowd was quit and there were not enough Koreans in the stands to change this fact and this guy form BTS scam scum nation was only there because of the money form Korean banksters and government. K pop and BTS are crap music also funded by the big tech mobile phone industry of Samsung and this shows the power of manufacture and company outsourcing so much to Asia as if American firms had established Samsung they likely wold not

divert so much money to K shit music. The leftism retard at K pop also are the jag fags telling people in Korea and elsewhere they teed to wear masks and one wish the K pop assholes like J Hole would wear a muzzle and we would not have to hear the atrocious sounds coming from their  K Poop mouths. Kpop is this tech pretend twitter army that pretends this music from South Korea is so cool and breathtaking in order to change the perception of the Koreans who are math geeks always will be school geeks and always have been uncool data nerds little respected nor liked by the rest of the world and the state of South Korea is not that far off from the psychos to the North who run  another Korea and bot countries would be a back roads poverty stricken oat of the world without Americas aid and free bankster money.


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