Anthony Brian Logan has Kanye West on the program to announce he might run for president is no longer part of the Gap and refuses to deal with companies that work with CCP China

    Brian Brain

     Teasing a potential 2024 presidential run Kenye West came on right-winger Brian Anthony Logan's program in a shocking unplanned interview as the big music star appearing on a random podcaster of Black conservative Inc was a pleasant surprise. Kanye West told ABL that he is no longer going to deal with the clothing company called the Gap as this company continues to support China and does major dealing with this authoritarian country from which last  observation as some two million Uighur living in squalid conditions like they were on German concentration camp or something . Kenya West's news of refusing to deal with the Gap is a big win against the growing textile and economic power of China as

more people need to reevaluate these business connection and push this country to end some of its more brutal and wicked practices to it populations and the ethnic identities within it that do not conform to the demands of its political class that wants to maintain total control at all aspects of Chinese life and further restrict the movements and freedoms of their own citizens. Kenye West has a superior brain to Anthony Logan and to most men and if thus man did not suffer from Bi polar without a doubt he would be a modern day Albert Einstein Kanye West said he needs to be king of hos own castle and that having Gap dictate and continue to work with the communist government and their allies in business is no

longer going to be a option for King West and the King gave his decree and Yeezy will be wrapping up it business partnership with the Gap which is a high time in coming. Mr West is making the business crucial decisions and he may make a political one soon as he is discussing running for president under a third party which he will call the Yeezy party and he will have  his own unique perspective and suggestions how to usher a new feudal system where clothing kings become the norm and cotton production becomes popular again. Kanye West is perhaps the biggest bamboozler off there to charge the prices for essentially

sweaty and ugly plastics cheap materials and sneakers and no modern processed shoe should sell for the price this clown and others charge in the sneaker ponzi scheme and without a doubt getting away with this crimes probably does make Kanye West feel like a King as he longs for the return of his ugly fellow fraudulent queen Kim Guardianshian.

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