Eddie Schwartz and Milton Rosenberg do live cast of Brandon Biden's dark speech and are joined by Nick Digilio and call it the darkest speech seen in world history since Adolf Hitler's last

       The incompetent and illegal theft stealing president of the United States Brandon Biden has gone full dictator and his sickness and division expansion attempts that this old maniac thinks he can gain was evident in this lunatics darkest speech ever. Joe Biden's speech to the American public a couple of  days ago was straight out of hell and indeed the mother fucker looked like he was at the gates of hell in the red background and evil looking Marine guards. Obviously Biden is received so many direct threats for his trolling and that repeated remarks in the past as "leader: that he needs armed marine and military guards at all times and they were there as this was a fucking  scene straight of of Star Trek or Star

Wars. Eddie Schwartz and Milton Rosenberg are tow longtime Jewish talk show hosts form WGN radio and one of them actually lived under the tyrannical rule of Adolf Hitler and Milton said that all of Joe Biden's actions have been dictatorial and last Thursday  speech was full Hitlarian and the people need to rise up and resit this madman whose mind is declineing by the hour and no one knows what damage and genoicide Joe Biden is capable,

 The rudimentary slide to fascism this maniac monster we have i the White House is alarming and this man lies out of his ass as it is his parties leaderhsip and himself that is the most direct threat to our freedoms and liberties and make no mistake this monster desires to take away our freedoms as a classical dictator and a old old toxic danger to this country. Fast Eddie said that a leader like Joe Biden is typical of the aging infrastructure and cointry in general and it is no mistake the globalists desired to have such a man as president and they effectively undermined our democracy and took advantage of Covid loopholes and possibilities to basically get this unelectable bastard form Delaware somehow into the presidency.
 Both WGN radio legends said this supercilious arrogant maniac is embolden by the support from his campaign  to become more trolling and darkish as somehow they figure that his going to help him overcome the obvious incompetency and purposeful cruel inflationary war he is conducting to impound peoples lives and futures and Brandon is a treasonous poisonous  dangerous monster who is pushing the American people to revolt . It was not surprising that this maniac decided to go to Independence Hall for this ghoulish polarizing attack on his opponents and more than half the country and Old Joe is just making himself more hated by the population by the day. 

 Nasty Nick Digilio came and called into the show and he agreed with both Schwartz and Rosenberg that we are in the darkest moment if this nations history with this walking demon as president and Nick Digilio says we would be better off with Jinping Xi or Vladimir Putin as leader than this sorry ass walking skeletor dark devil that is Joe Biden and Nick Digilio says when this minster makes laws and attempts to confiscate our guns then we kn ow we are fucked, Nick Digilio also stated how Biden said

nothig of the terrorism of George Floyd and how cities like downtown Chicago were overwhelmed with criminality and most of them were gangsters and Democrats and not MAGA and the real threat to our country is form the criminal classes and corrosive corrupt class that is the Democratic party in urban areas. Nick reminded the other two host show he was live on the air the summer night rampaging Blacks took to downtown after two in the morning on a orgy of looting and destruction and they were not Trump supporters and he compared Biden;s lies and speeches to the Jussie Smollet hoax and says there is little to distinguish Joe Biden form Jussie Smollett and both are narcissist bastards willing to lie and say anything to get some attention and power.


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