Emmanuel Marcon and Rahm Emanuel booed and jeered in Algeria as the globalist mafia maniacs they are

  Casey Kelso

 French globalist president Emmanuel Marcon and American Jewish ambassador and former rotten mayor and congressman form Chicago Rahm Emanuel were welcomes in Algeria after a walk about and booed and had Afghanistan banana stand bananas thrown at them The two Emmanuel scumbags were at some globalist regional meeting and as Algeria is a former colonial possession of France the people in this Arabian Berber mixed blood community are never to fond of their French  history and heritage as well Algeria use to be part of the global cabal and mainstay of the  French empire and it appears in  some quarters that France is attempting to bring this former colonial possession once again to their sphere of influence and basically steal it once again and Emanuel Narco had to flee before a jeering crowd along

with Rahm " The Ram" Emmanuel. What the tow of them were doing and how they opened themselves up to this jeeering is still being speculated . What is known is the former mayor of Chicago was verbally  assaulted along with the French president as a large crowd let it be known what the crowd thought and Marcon had to flee in total humiliation. For Rahm Emmnaul it was especially humiliating as he already was use to shitty treatment in America he was not expecting to be booed and heckled in Algeria and he is so mad too sad as e thought by now he would be in name mention and be running for the presidency of the United States.
 These two scumbags need to quit traveling to Algeria and what they are doing and were called out for were their interest in working with the New World Order and steal the gas of the country and people came out in a flock to humiliate and confront these two scumbags globalists and embarrassing representatives and leaders of both the United States and France. 
 Make no mistake Emmanuel Marcon is a ass dick and he also was being jeered as he has several unpaid accounts he owns  to several Casablanca and other North African  brothels and he is refusing to pay for these services despite having mucho money form his authoritarian undemocratic election rigging position to be this neurotic and eccentric globalist puppet undermining the electoral system in France and like president forever. As far as the other idiot Emmanuel the former Chicago mayor is from our sources tired of his ambassadorship for Japan and being a rare Westerner with access to Japanese beauty prostitutes  (Most foreigner sin Japan stuck with bad

Chinese apple products) and he is seriously thinking an pondering a return to city hall and running once again as mayor of Chicago. The current ambassador to Japanstan  he has no respect for Lori Lightface, Ray Lopez, Willie Wilson, Vallas, Tim Tunney, and the countless other 16 clowns who have declared a candidacy fr this crucial and hugely beneficial political position and Emanuel figures he did a great job in the tow terms he served and was blamed by these radical racial identity maniacs for various police criminal confrontations a]that smeared his tenure in office.  Emanuel has no respect for this horrible stupid monster in city hall of Lori Lightbody and he is thinking seriously that it is so imperative to rid the city of this wench dog-faced gremlin pony soldier or whatever that Emanuel is tired of hanging round the globalists like Frances Emmanuel 

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