Bradly Austin
WIND 560 Am radio host Shaun Thompson attacked Bernie Sanders and the politics and scum he represents as the geriatric undemocratic socialist is a of fool that does not go away. Shaun Thompson wondered how these old trolls and politicians like this Vermont Democratic scum don't go away. Bernie Sander sis like a character out of tales of the crypt this weird dumb politician that doesn't go away and refuses and the news recently that Bernie Sander sis once again thinking of a presidential run in 20204 angered and boiled the right-wing radio host cigar shop owner Mr Thompson who made news
when he refused service ti his cigarette store to Democrats Shaun Thompson says Bernie is a fossil and one that should be examined from head to toe as the funding of this old socialist maniac must be primarily based to weaken America and give shit policy of the likes Colonel Sanders prefers and pushes tenaciously at every opportunity he can though the corrupt sick media that loves this disgusting old troll. Thompson states that Bernie never had a real job in his fucking life and the man is a Soviet unlike seen since the early days of the formation of communism in Russia. Thompson feared what a one two punch if Bernie wins and Joe Biden goes away and our country gets these twp weak old willy kneed leaders and the visual sign of this country decline could not be more transparent with a Sanders presidency.

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