The Queen Elizabeth is dead and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warner seeks to take her place

   Dwight Dwyer

    Old troll and elitist Queen Elizabeth is dead after 99 years of privileged living and the death of the queen for the most part received a yawn and few people have a iconic imagery for this nasty old blok woman born into royalty and many of the countries of the queen and commonwealth even don't  care. Queen Elizabeth in my mind was that old broad that appeared in the movie "Naked Gun" and aside form that this old bitch means nothing to me and most people. I reckon people like Queen Elizabeth  are the problem and cause of many of the problems in the world and the world is a better place these forever

dangerous royals are dead and again we call for the British people to over throw their monarchy zldreay as Great Britain needs to trash this crown and family once and for all. Though  for some though there is a opening up for this position and the Massachusetts senator and scumbag Elizabeth Warren has thrown

her hat to replace Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth Warren made the case as she came on ABC news and her recent comments worried about the Fed tripping the economy into a recession and she wants out of here and thus contacted the royal family if somehow she can marry into this shit royalty and bring some committed socialist values. I say send this Massachusetts scumbag across the pond as the pondscum politician she is and England or Scotland or whatever land deserves such a scoundrel as Elizabeth Warner and I can;t think of a better person 

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