Nems Fyl and other scumbag Yankee fans disrespect Ted Cruz at Yankee stadium and mafia music boss Nems considers running form president in 2024

   Leo Yost

     The music hop hop mogul and over-price clothing  rand screwball names Nems FYL was at game four of the Yankees-Astros game eating popcorn drinking beer when he couldn't believe what he saw some rows below him. Texas senator and hated figure for the urban corrupt maniacs liberal class which Nems FYL is a proud member often making bad music and videos . In addition he overlord gang banger hip hop monster also makes viral videos on Tik Tok or YouTube where he insults passerby as a privileged member of the rap hip hop music industry and many people just know Nems for these disrespect videos. Nems is a privileged members of the urban New York corrupt class so naturally he would go after a political opposite and enemy as Ted Cruz came to the big apple to watch his beloved Houston Apples take on Nems New York Yankees whom many experts regard as the most filthy and abusive fan base in the boring sport of Major League Baseball,

 Nems has hinted at running for president and upon seeing Ted Cruz Nems Fly and several other trash Yankee fans rushed towards Mr Cruz and dropped hundreds of expletives and all this indicated was the ignorance of the typical Democratic especially in

New York and the amount of expletives was unheard of as we have already stated the average antedate of baseball games this modern era has regressed and all baseball stadium fans are among the worse of worse in society explaining all of the fighting and violence we see in viral social media videos at MLB games. Ted Cruz was stupid to venture into such enemy territory and allow this video to be used by all the left wing media lunatics whether it be the late night bum assholes are the trolls pod casters  as not anyone didn't forget to do a video of this jeering against Mr Cruz as somehow drunk New York Knights fans would actually be of any concern or political statement. Nems is part of the criminal underground runs some fraudulent Gorilla over-priced money laundering clothing company and he and other corrupt hip hop moguls act and think of themselves as modern day noblemen and privileged rulers of fiefdoms in the kingdom of New York which includes Satan Island that this scumbag Nemmie FLY thinks he personally owns. Nothing smells and smacks more of open New York music mafia corruption than a skuz bucket like this clown being so influential and the music Nems produces absolutely sucks major ass.

Nems Fyl was among the drunk asshole  New York Spanky fans who booed and jeered the Texas senator but what was lost by the propagandist media and bad comedians and podcasters was actually many more people praised, waves, cheers, and took selfies with Ted Cruz than toe fewer assholes like rapper Nems FYL who has polticla ambitions an dis a meat head numskull thinks he can be president of the United States. Nems FYL is a thug and gangster where money is funneled through their culturally degrading bad

music in order to bring about a decline of American blue collar culture and make no mistake Nems Fyl and these other losers at the New Jersey Dragons game as they lost and got swept by the Astronauts are political Democratic extremists hateful partisans who don't know Ted Cruz and they support the corruption of the New York political Democratic part one state as scumbags like Nems and his shitty clothing brand is a bog benefactor of Democratic party status quo.

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