Andrew Tate converts to Islam and gets three Bugatti automobiles in dream conversion and gift

 Ali Muhammad

     Craze disgusting and lunatic podcaster Andre Tate has become big and appears he has become a Muslim after Tommy Khan fellow MMA fight monster and personal friends with the King of Arabia offered the huge Youtuber three Bugattis. Andrew Tate is a type of dud who would sell his mother for a Bugatti and any Muslim thinking this greedy selfish fuck has really converted out of religious beleifs and worship of Allah is smoking the same crack as it always appears Andrew Tate is on whenever he appears on television or radio. Andrew Tate is a bad representation for men and now he will be for

Muslims and Islam does not need the greed and intentions of Andre Tate who reportedly was offered three Bugattis automobiles in order to convert and this is something Mr Tate did going all over the internet and social media to present this transition. I'm sure if the Koran or Islam outlawed cigar smoking this moron Tate definitely  would never even consider converting and the chances of King Andrew ever becoming a true Muslim is likely never going to happen and what Tate sees is the extreme wealth of the corrupt and evil Gulf States and Saudi Arabia and it give shim such a hard on he thinks being Muslim is akin to being multi billionaire and this is likely the only reason that this man claims conversion.  In no way does anyone actually believe that a rascal like Tate worships and believes or will practice the pillars of Islam and again this man only converted because of the extreme wealth provides seeing it as good advertising and propaganda for the kingdom of Saudi

Arabia which often gets the negative representation it deserves. Make no mistake Andrew Tate of Andrew Osmali El-Shabbazza as he wants to be called worships money and fast cars and not God and the idea of this clown converting to Islam is horrifying seems like a troll.  King Salmon Bin Rushdie Mohammed presented Andrew Tate with the gift of a lifetime in not one not two nut three Bugatti fast automobiles which clearly this chump will worship more than anything imaginable an now Andrew can enjoy the

fruits of Arabian style religious scholar and teachings and hopefully for him learning the Koran and so forth will not take too much time away from him from traveling, pod castings, and yes driving very very fast on the highways around the world with one of his Arabian supplied Bugattis . Andrew Tate wants his own harem and fiefdom and one of the first things he asked Prince Salmon Mohammed is how does he get the prince to get a royal  commission for himself  and can carve out a region for himself in the desert and asked the Saudi prince for this 
 right an d piece of land in the Arabian desert. Mr Tatum also asked Prince Salmon for allow interest loan of 500 million dollars with basically zero interest no payments or repayment until 2035 or something.  Drew Tate's conversions has rocked the casbah and is the tlak all over the world with some bashing this bald money obsessed misogynist bastard and with other supporting and welcoming this egotistical silly goose into the Wild ,Wild ,Wild Eastern world of Islam.

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