Serpentza says the Chinese Covid authoritarians are now carry guns to enforce Covid fascism as seen surprisingly through a Tik Tok video


Lee Park Kong

    Tok Tok is a Chinese global spyware  utility and entity yet somehow major criticism  of the CCP does get out through the internet and a recent Tik Tok video of Covid health fascist sin China armed to the tech and ready to shoot at an airport to enforce their brutal Covid fascism was seen and a recent topic of the great Chinese expert and vlogger Serpentza, The You tuber whose real name is Winston Sertzel is one of the big tree our favorite YouTube critics of this evil sick brutal sad regime of authoritarian fascism that is this one party sate in China. This evil political entity is of great influence of the American Democrat party and one can expect many politic The technocrats within the Democratic party have no shame in emulating this evil state with forced shots and they exculpate themselves from the coming ill effects of these Covid vaccines that were untested, unproven and extremely dangerous a people having taken them and numerous booster shots are not dropping

like Grasshoppers on pesticide. The fact that China was always a authoritarian brutal  Mos cult like Communist state and giving them more of a excuse to repressive their growing restive population was something that likely many have been concocted by the fucking West and international investors who wish to have undemocratic values cemented what we saw in China last week was health fascism from hell and Beijing and naturally our Chinese allied media alike

the CNN network which should have the CCP initials s glued onto with to chose to ignore this madness as men in smocks and machine guns threatened their own citizens and one must wonder how much the Western lefties fascist current funding and prolonging the war on the Ukrainian border is responsible for this new wave of terror on the innocent average Chinese citizen.  The globalists don't want a

Democratic China as this may be seen as a impediment to their  business ad ability get things quickly done and indeed globalist scum like Elon Musk ad Tim Cook and the late hell-dwelling Steve Jobs prefer and if China had a multi-party state  system it would complicate things and would force these companies to adhere to different parterres of business dealing and having to be more moral in their dealings with the Chinese common man and worker. Serpentza says the arming of these health whack jobs is a positive sign and growing resistance of the Chinese people against their authoritarian government and the global community needs to get arms shipped into China much like they are spending in Ukraine  as people around the world realize the desperation of the sick CCP government can have another population reducing affect in China that we have  seen in this countries history in the past two hundred or so year much of it caused by outsider sin each and every war and rebellion in China now would be quick and likely not as bloody but much necessary. The over throw of the CCP an arrest and mass killing of its top Communist leaderhsip is long overdue along with a regime change.


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