White Dolemit slugged by Bad Boozie

  Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham

     White Dolemite has been slugged and pugged after another prank of boydom hit the internet airwaves. DokleMite either set up or ironically just ran into the raper Bad Boozie and his entourage at a Wal Mart or Walgreens not really sure which one it was. White Dolemit went up to the Booze clan and started messing around demanding Boozie hand him some paper towel or something  and he was immediate confronted by what I guess were Boozie's punk ass bitch sons and one of them slugged the YouTube pranker known for approach black males and calling them boy demanding that they hand him an object  from the aisles. White Dolemite went down like a brick and naturally the net result of his

beating by Bad Boozie and his crew was not shown in his video and it steps st as Mr Dolemite received a punch for messing with the muddle aged raper known as Bad Boozie. it would of been more cooler if the Bad one had been the one actually doing the ]fighting and beating of Mr Dolemite but clearly the thugs with Boozie (maybe sons or nephews) did or of a appropriate job in delivering and standing up for Mr Boozie  . whether this knockout actually wakes White Dolemite up to the dangers and wickedness of hsi YouTube videos dressing up like a country pumpkin bumpkin and then trying to agitate the most hip hop looking thug blacks he can find in a Wal Mart of Target. 
 White Dolemit had the offending assaulter arrested and he checked into the hospital as White Dolemit was having this headache form hell after being hit in his nogger. Mr Dolemite tough likely will continue these provocative ivdoe pranks as he just enjoys the wording and expression of boy and if Dolemite had been around in the 1850's he would be calling everyone he can get away with calling them boy and without a doubt this YouTube pranker must of been stimulated wit the idea of this prank watching the cheese whip scene in the classic movie Blues Brothers. 

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