Black Supremacist Lebron James angered at old photo of Cowmen owner Jerry Jones seeks to distract form the growing anti Semitic from fellow NBA ball players.

 Lincoln Kennedy

   Triggered snowflake and forever over grown baby Lebron James wen toff on the media for not asking him his thoughts of some inconsequential picture of Jerry Jones being part of the Little Rock on lookers when the federal govenrment illegally forced integrated public schools back in the fifties, for some reason the media has discovered this old picture of the crowd which was attracted by the early media and cameras and somehow the political left has twisted a Jerry Jones presence and the liars are trying to proclaim the Dallas Cowboys owner was the ring linger of the bully's confronting and ridiculing the

Arkansas nine when in fact little Jerry is way in the back and is clearly just a observer. for the racists and race hustlers of modern athletics such as this scumbag over lord baller Lebron James this is proof that Jerry Jones was a Klansman or whatever and the psychopath NBA baller went off on the media for not asking or pestering him about it as Lord James wanted to give his media opinion and condemnation of the eighty year old Jerry James. King James does what the does best and this is to castigate  and

enunciate his crazed ramblings on race and the teary eyed jackass nearly crocodile teared  his way to further viral as he demanded to know what he was asked about Kyrie Irving's anti-antisemitism and promotion of a black supremacist move that Lebron James also supported while not asking him about some picture of a teenage Jerry Jones fork a hundred years ago and again Lebron James shows the problems he has with his fucking head . Lord James is again trying to distract form the massive amount of anti-semanticist that King James likely agrees with Kyrie Irving

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