Brock Purdy looks pretty and he and the San Francisco 49ers are going to the Super Bowl

  Ed West

    Brock Purdy is this kid quarterback who we predicted would go to the Super bowl last year as he was leading the Iowa State Hawkeyes to a big ten championship or something. Brock Purdy might be the Tom Brady of this generation as he has come out of no where and leapfrogged both Trey Lance and Nick Garrappolo and he has totally taken over the football world (those who call this and follow the real football) with his incredible play and unbelievable skill in directing the San Francisco Warriors to a

splendid resurrection in mid season . Now the San Franciscans are making head ways scaring some of the bigger teams with their rise in the NFC and the 49ers are  team to be reckoned with when playoff time comes because of Mr Purdy. Purdy was yelling in joy had his big mouth out and about and this is because he is yougn and playing the most incredible quarterback balling not seen by someone his age ahhh since the days of a young Neil Lomax guiding and busting ass for ahhhhh the Chicago Cardinals back in the late seventies something 
 Purdy be looking like Kyle Rittenhouse when the not guilty was given and its hard to believe motor mouth is doing as good as he is and the San Francisco Miner shave again hit pay dirt a gold mine find and it is fucking amazing some franchise are so fucking lucky with finding ahhh these diamonds in the rough.or something. It doesn't seem even fucking fair. Purdy Brock is perhaps the best West coast quarterback since Brock Chamberlain or whatever in the fifties. Brock Purdy and the San Francisco Niners are going to the Super Bowl they look so good along with the defense of this team which is a killer and they destroyed Gino Smith and the Seattle mariners the other night in a Thursday Night beat down orime tiome win for the Nooners.

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