Corrupt former Illinois congressman Adam Kingzinger wants more money sent to Ukraine so it can eventually flow back to him

    Ryan " Bozo" Bowsworth

    Illinois congressman and corrupt scumbag Adam Zinger is no longer a sitting US congressman and he is worried about the losses of money and fortunes that come with this gig as the respect given to him (and money) by the media may slow if this clown doesn't have the term sitting US congressman. Mr King will not have as many Anthony Fauci television appearances and depsite founding some polticla action committee many will not give their money to it given the dishonesty of this former US congressman from some rural are south of Joliet, Illinois. Adam Kinzinger has basically degraded to a big nothing burger with the occasional outburst against Republicans which he will not be able to call as fellow because

neither Adam Kinzinger is a Republican or a politician anymore and the amount of money he has received through the funneling of money to Ukraine is drying up like a old oil well in West Texas. Crybaby Kinzinger is  just like Eric Slawell of Californian as Adam  has been a bought and purchased politician serving the interests of the CCP Chinese more than Americans . Adam Zinger is a con man an abuser and a sick twisted  media political jackass that uses hate and fear against Mr Trump and King Adam should be diagnosed and treated for Trump Derange Syndrome as this man is sicker than a dog with a broken nose unable to smell at all. This zero also failed in his conquest attempt  as part of the

January 6th committee and his hope and dream of Liz Cheney sucking  his cock went to null and failure. Adam is a emotional  mess seeks attention and scared that now he is no longer in the halls of Montezuma and congress he will not be noticed and no one will care about him and he has apparently been  crying his nights away to little sleep with nightmare and jealous  over Trump and Volodyrym

Zelensky. Adam Kingman often fantasized that he could be another Mr Zelensky and somehow manage fame through politics and get to wear a T shoert and be thought as a great world leader neloived man of the year. The only award Adam Kinzinger is going to win is shit head  of the year and hopefully ...knock on wood... this creep gets less and less attention in 2023 and beyond . This clown is a goofy daw dumb mother fucker who was never deserving of the media attention these corrupt messed up media corporations gave this silly jackass.

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